Robert Monjo, Ph.D.
Department of Mathematics
- Ph.D. in Math – Mathematical physics, Complutense University of Madrid
- Ph.D. in Physics – Meteorology, University of Valencia
- M.Sc. in Advanced Math, Complutense University of Madrid
- M.Sc. in Theoretical Physics, Complutense University of Madrid
Practice Areas
- Applied Mathematics
- Mathematical physics
- Geometrical dynamics
- Statistical climatology
Publications and Media Placements
Modified gravity
Monjo R., Banik, I. (2024). Distinct radial acceleration relations of galaxies and
clusters supports hyperconical modified gravity. MNRAS (under review)
Monjo R. (2024). What if the universe expands linearly? A local general relativity
to solve the `zero active mass' problem. Astrophysical Journal 967, 66. DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/ad3df7
Monjo, R. (2023): Galaxy rotation curve in hyperconical universes: a natural relativistic
MOND. Classical and Quantum Gravity. 40, 235002, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/ad0422
Monjo, R.; Campoamor-Stursberg R. (2023): Geometric perspective for explaining Hubble
tension: theoretical and observational aspects. Classical and Quantum Gravity 40,
195006. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/aceacc
Monjo, R., Campoamor-Stursberg R. (2020). Lagrangian density and local symmetries
of inhomogeneous hyperconical universes. Classical and Quantum Gravity 37: 205015.
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6382/abadaf
Geometry in climatology
Galiano, L.; Monjo, R.; Royé, D.; Martin-Vide, J. (2024): Will the world experience
more fractal droughts? Atmospheric Research (under review)
Monjo, R; Meseguer-Ruiz, O. (2024): Review: Fractal geometry in precipitation. Atmosphere
15, 135. DOI: 10.3390/atmos15010135
Monjo, R; Locatelli, L; Milligan, J; Torres, L; Velasco, M; Gaitán, E; Pórtoles, J;
Redolat, D; Russo, B; Ribalaygua, J. (2023). Estimation of future extreme rainfall
in Barcelona (Spain) under monofractal hypothesis. International Journal of Climatology
43: 4047–4068. DOI: 10.1002/joc.8072
Monjo, R.; Royé, D., and Martin-Vide, J. (2020): Meteorological drought lacunarity
around the world and its classification, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 741–752, DOI:
Redolat, D.; Monjo, R.; Lopez-Bustins, J.A.; Martin-Vide, J. (2019). Upper-Level Mediterranean
Oscillation index and seasonal variability of rainfall and temperature. Theoretical
and Applied Climatology, 135: 1059–1077. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-018-2424-6
Redolat, D.; Monjo, R. (2024): Statistical predictability of Euro-Mediterranean subseasonal
anomalies: The TeWA approach. Weather and Forecasting. DOI: 10.1175/WAF-D-23-0061.1
Redolat, D.; Monjo, R.; Paradinas, C.; Pórtoles, J.; Gaitán, E.; Prado-López, C.;
Ribalaygua, J. (2020): Local decadal prediction according to statistical/dynamical
approaches. Int. J. Climatol. 40: 5671–5687.
Gaitán, E.; Monjo, R.; Pórtoles, J.; Pino-Otín, M.R. (2020). Impact of climate change
on drought in Aragon (NE Spain). Science of The Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140094
Forero-Ortiz, E.; Martínez-Gomariz, E.; Monjo, R. (2020). Climate change implications
for water availability: a case study of Barcelona city. Sustainability 12: 1779. DOI:
Gaitán, E.; Monjo, R.; Pórtoles, J.; Pino-Otín, M.R. (2019). Projection of temperatures
and heat and cold waves for Aragón (Spain) using a two-step statistical downscaling
of CMIP5 model outputs. Science of The Total Environment. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.352
Honors and Awards
- Majoral Moliné Award 2021
- Eduard Fontserè State Meteorology Award 2009