Ruth H. Warner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Experimental Program: Social
Department of Psychology
Courses Taught
Social Psychology; Personality Psychology; The Psychology of Social Justice; Psychology and the Law; Capstone Practicum; Advanced Social Psychology; Social Psychology of Justice
Ph.D., University of Kansas
M.A., University of Kansas
B.S., Arizona State University
Research Interests
Warner's research lab is interested in the psychology of intergroup relations, social justice, meaning
making, benefit finding, and stereotyping and prejudice.
Publications and Media Placements
Broussard, K.A., Warner, R.H., & Pope, A.R.D. (in press). Too many boxes or not enough?
Preferences for how we ask about gender in cisgender, LGB, and gender-diverse samples.
Sex Roles.
Warner, R.H., Kent, A., & Kiddoo, K.L. (2016). Perceived collective continuity and attitudes toward outgroups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 595-608.
Lorenz, M.M., Warner, R.H., & VanDeursen, M.J. (2015). Stated goals and their influence on helping behavior toward ingroups and outgroups. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45, 498-508.
Branscombe, N.R., Warner, R.H., Klar, Y., & Fernandez, S. (2015). Historical group
victimization entails moral obligations for descendants. Journal of Experimental Psychology,
59, 118-129.
Warner, R.H., Wohl, M.J.A., & Branscombe, N.R. (2014). When do victim group members
feel a moral obligation to help suffering others? European Journal of Social Psychology,
44, 231-241.
Warner, R.H., & Kiddoo, K.L. (2014). Are the Latter Day Saints too latter day? Perception
of age and attitudes toward Mormons. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 17,
67-78. Article
Warner, R.H., & Branscombe, N.R. (2012). Observer perceptions of moral obligations
in groups with a history of victimization. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,
38, 882-894. Article
Warner, R.H., VanDeursen, M.J.*, & Pope, A.R.D.* (2012). Temporal distance as a determinant
of just world strategy. European Journal of Social Psychology, 42, 276-284. Article
Tarrant, M., Branscombe, N.R., Warner, R.H., & Weston, D. (2012). Social identity
and perceptions of torture: It’s moral when we do it. Journal of Experimental Social
Psychology, 48, 513-518. Article
VanDeursen, M.J.*, Pope, A.R.D.*, & Warner, R.H. (2012). Just world maintenance patterns
among intrinsically and extrinsically religious individuals. Personality and Individual
Differences, 52, 755-758. Article
Warner, R.H., & Branscombe, N.R. (2011). Observers’ benefit finding for victims: Consequences
for perceived moral obligations. European Journal of Social Psychology, 41, 241-253.
Warner, R.H., Branscombe, N.R., Garczynski, A.*, & Solomon, E.* (2011). Judgments
of sexual abuse victims. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 33, 207-219. Article
Crandall, C.S., Bahns, A.J., Warner, R., & Schaller, M. (2011). Stereotypes as justifications
of prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 1488-1498. Article
Miron, A.M., Warner, R.H., & Branscombe, N.R. (2011). Accounting for group differences
in appraisals of social inequality: Differential injustice standards. British Journal
of Social Psychology, 50, 342-353. Article
O’Brien, L.T., Crandall, C.S., Horstman-Reser, A., Warner, R., Alsbrooks, A., & Blodorn,
A. (2010). But I’m no bigot: How prejudiced Americans maintain unprejudiced self-images.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, 917-946. Article
Warner, R.H., Hornsey, M.J., & Jetten, J. (2007). Why minority group members resent
impostors.European Journal of Social Psychology, 37, 1-17. Article
Crandall, C.S. & Warner, R.H. (2005). How a prejudice is recognized. Psychological
Inquiry, 16, 137-141.