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Tugce Baser, Ph.D.

Associate professor
Civil Engineering


  • Doctor of Philosophy, University of California San Diego (2018)
  • Bachelors of Science, Cukurova University (2009)

Practice Areas

Geotechnical engineering

Research Interests

  • Multiphysics of geomaterials
  • Unsaturated Soil Mechanics
  • Subsurface Characterization
  • Geoenergy systems

Honors and Awards

  • 10/2014 Best theme paper, 7th International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics    
  • 2/16-3/16 Scholar of “Top Global University Project”, GSGES Spring School Program, Kyoto University   
  • 09/2017 Delegate of 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference (ISSMGE), Seoul, Korea     
  • 10/2019 Professional development Grant, Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Educational Trust and Women in DFI     
  • 11/2019 Bright Spark Lecturer, XVI PanAmerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Cancun, Mexico     
  • 11/2020 Young Investigator Award at Air Force Office of Scientific Research      
  • 2/2020 Outstanding Instructor Award, ASCE 

Professional Organizations and Associations

Books Authored or Co-Authored

  1. El Mohtar, C., Kulesza, S., Baser, T., and Venezia, M.D. IFCEE 2021: Installation, Testing, and Analysis of Deep Foundations
  2. El Mohtar, C., Kulesza, S., Baser, T., and Venezia, M.D. IFCEE 2021: From Traditional to Emerging Geotechnics
  3. El Mohtar, C., Kulesza, S., Baser, T., and Venezia, M.D. IFCEE 2021: Earth Retention, Ground Improvement, and Seepage Control
  4. Emerging and Disruptive Technologies to Enhance Disaster Resilience (In preparation for NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security by Springer)

 Chapters in Books

  1. (*)(S) Başer, T., Traore, T. and McCartney, J.S. (2016). “Physical modeling of coupled heat transfer and water flow in soil-borehole thermal energy storage systems in the vadose zone.” In: Geothermal Energy: An Emerging Resource. C.B. Dowling, L.J. Florea, and K. Neumann, eds. GSA Books. Boulder, CO. Geological Society of America Special Paper 519. 1-13.

 Articles In Journals

  1. (*)(S)(P) Kayabali, K., Başer, T., Balci, M.C., and Kolay, E., 2013. Evaluation of the hydraulic conductivity of saturated, fine-grained soils using small-size centrifuge, EJGE, Vol. 18, pp 2383-2395.
  2. (*)(S)(P) Kolay, E., Başer, T., 2014. Estimation of the Dry Unit Weight of Compacted Soils Using General Linear Model and Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks, Applied Soft Computing, Vol 18, pp. 223-231,
  3. (*)(S)(P) Kolay, E., Baser, T. The effect of the textural characteristics on the engineering properties of the basalts from Yozgat region, Turkey. J Geol Soc India 90, 102–110 (2017).
  4. (*)(S)(P) Başer, T., Lu, N., and McCartney, J.S. (2016). Operational response of a soil-borehole thermal energy storage system. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 04015097-1-12. 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001432.
  5. (*)(S)(P) Başer, T., Tartakovsky, D., Dong, Y., Lu, N., Moradi, A., Smits, K., and McCartney, J.S (2017). Role of non-equilibrium water vapor diffusion in thermal energy storage systems. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering. 144(7), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)GT.1943-5606.0001910
  6. (*)(S) Baser,T and McCartney, J.S. (2020). Transient Evaluation of a Soil-Borehole Thermal Energy Storage System. Renewable Energy. 147, pp 2582-2598
  7. (*) Goli, V, Singh, DN, and Baser, T. A Critical Review on Thermal Treatment Technologies of Combustible Fractions from Mechanical Biological Treatment Plants, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. Vol 9(4).
  8. (*) Alejandro Martinez, Jason Dejong, Idil Akin, Ali Aleali, Chloe Arson, Jared Atkinson, Paola Bandini, Tugce Baser, Rodrigo Borela, Ross Boulanger, Matthew Burrall, Yuyan Chen, Clint Collins, Douglas Cortes, Sheng Dai, Theodore DeJong, Emanuela Del Dottore, Kelly Dorgan, Richard Fragaszy, J. David Frost, Robert Full, Majid Ghayoomi, Daniel I. Goldman, Nicholas Gravish, Ivan L. Guzman, James Hambleton, Elliot Hawkes, Michael Helms, David Hu, Lin Huang, Sichuan Huang, Christopher Hunt, Duncan Irschick, Hai Thomas Lin, Bret Lingwall, Alen Marr, Barbara Mazzolai, Benjamin McInroe, Tejas Murthy, Kyle O'Hara, Marianne Porter, Salah Sadek, Marcelo Sanchez, Carlos Santamarina, Lisheng Shao, James Sharp, Hannah Stuart, Hans Henning Stutz, Adam Summers, Julian Tao, Michael Tolley, Laura Treers, Kurtis Turnbull, Rogelio Valdes, Leon van Paassen, Gioacchino Viggiani, Daniel Wilson, Wei Wu, Xiong Yu, and Junxing Zheng. Bio-inspired geotechnical engineering: principles, current work, opportunities and challenges. Géotechnique 2022 72:8, 687-705B
  9. (*) Tang C, Paleologos E.K, Vitone C., Du Y., Li J, Jiang N, Deng Y, Chu J, Shen Z, Koda E, Dominijanni A, Fei X, Vaverková M D, Osiński P, Chen X, Asadi A, Takeuchi M R H, Bo M W, Abuel-Naga H, Leong E, Farid A, Baser T, O’Kelly B C, Jha B, Goli V S N S, and Singh D N. Environmental geotechnics: challenges and opportunities in the post-COVID-19 world. Environmental Geotechnics. 8(3), May 2021, pp. 172-192
  10. (*)(W)(!) Fernandez Santoyo, F and Baser, T. (2021). A Review of the Existing Data on Soil Freezing Experiments and Assessment of Soil Freezing Curves derived from Soil Water Retention Curves. ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering Vol. 36, Issue 1 (March 2022) 10.1061/(ASCE)CR.1943-5495.0000271 (Editor's choice collection)
  11. (*)(W)(!) Jello, J., Khan, Manzoor, Malkewicz, N., Whittaker S., and Baser, T. (2022). Advanced geothermal energy storage systems by repurposing existing oil and gas wells: A full-scale experimental and numerical investigation. Renewable Energy. Vol 199, pp 852-865
  12. (*)(W)(!) Reiter, M.B., Jello, J., and Baser, T. (2023). Thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of energy foundations in saturated glacial tills. Geothermics, (108) DOI:10.1016/j.geothermics.2022.102614
  13. (*)(W)(!) Baser, T., Nawaz, K., Chung, A., Faysal, S., and Numanoglu, O. (2023) Ground movement patterns and shallow foundation performance in Iskenderun coastline during the 2023 Kahramanmaras earthquake sequence. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 22 (4), 867-881
  14. (*)(W) Jello, J and Baser, T. (2023). Utilization of existing hydrocarbon wells for geothermal system development: A review. Applied Energy 348, 121456
  15. (*)(W) Abhinav, A., and Baser, T. (2023). Investigation of Coupled Thermal and Dielectric Properties of Frozen Inorganic Materials. Cold Regions Science and Technology (Accepted)
  16. (*) Ozkula, G., Dowell, RK, Baser, T, Lin, JL, Numanoglu, OA, Ilhan, O., Olgun, CG., Huang, CW., Uludag, TD. (2023). Field reconnaissance and observations from the February 6, 2023, Turkey earthquake sequence. Natural Hazards 119-1. 663-700
  17. (*)(W) Abhinav, A., Rodgers, M., Kassel, S., Hessing, B., and Baser, T. (2024). Measurement While Drilling in the Illinois Subsurface: Drilling vs Compound Parameters. Transportation research board (Accepted)
  18. (*)(W) Jello, J., Harsono, P. P., & Baser, T. (2023). Prediction of Thermal Conductivity from Wellbore Temperatures Using Computational Mechanics (In review)

Articles In Conference Proceedings

  1. (*)(S) Başer, T., Kolay, E., and Akçe, M.A., 2011. The effect of basalt textures on some empirical relationships. Proceedingds of the X. Regional Rock Mechanics Symposium, pp 231-237, METU, Ankara.
  2. (*)(S) Kolay, E. and Başer, T., 2010. Estimation of dry unit weight of soils by ANN. 7th International Symposium on the Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 18-22 October, Cukurova University, Turkey.
  3. (*)(S) Kayabalı, K., Balcı, M. C. and Başer, T., Preliminary results from a small geotechnical centrifuge for consolidation tests: Proc. Of Third Int’l Conf. on New Developments in Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, June 28-30 2012, Near East University, Nicosia, TRNC, 820-827.
  4. (*)(S) McCartney, J.S., Alsherif, N., Coccia, C.J.R., Stewart, M.A., Başer, T., Traore, T., and Goode, J.C. III (2014). “Unsaturated Soil Mechanics in Geothermal Energy Applications.” Unsaturated Soils: Research & Applications (UNSAT 2014). Sydney, Australia. Jul. 2-4. N. Khalili, A. Russell, A. Khoshghalb, eds. 835-842. 6
  5. (*)(S) Başer, T., Linkowski, D., and McCartney, J.S. (2014). “Heat storage in soil -borehole thermal energy storage systems in the vadose zone.” Proc. 7th ICEG. Nov. 10-14. Melbourne. pp. 1-8. 5.
  6. (*)(S) Başer, T and McCartney, J.S. (2015). Thermal Energy Storage in Borehole Heat Exchanger Arrays. International Symposium on Energy Geotechnics. SEG2015. Barcelona, Spain, June 2-4. 4.
  7. (*)(S) Başer, T. and McCartney, J.S. (2015). “Development of a full-scale soil-borehole thermal energy storage system.” Proc. IFCEE 2015. San Antonio, TX. Mar. 17-21. ASCE. pp. 1608- 1617.
  8. (*)(S) Başer, T., McCartney, J.S., Moradi, A., Smits, K., and Lu, N. (2016). “Impact of a thermo- hydraulic insulating layer on the long-term response of soil-borehole thermal energy storage systems.” GeoChicago 2016: Sustainability, Energy and the Geoenvironment. Chicago. Aug. 14-18. pp. 125-134.
  9. (*)(S) Başer, T., Dong, Y., Lu, N., and McCartney, J.S. (2016). “Role of considering non-constant soil thermal parameters in the simulation of geothermal heat storage systems in the vadose zone.” Proc. 8AYGEC 2016. Astana, Kazakhstan, Aug. 6-8. 6 pg.
  10. (*)(S) Başer, T., Dong, Y., and McCartney, J.S. (2016). “Heat content in soil-borehole thermal energy systems in the vadose zone.” ICEGT 2016: 1st International Conference on Energy Geotechnics. Kiel. Aug. 29-31. 1-8.
  11. (*)(S) McCartney, J.S., Başer, T., Zhan, N., Lu, N., Ge, S., and Smits, K., (2017). “Storage of Solar Thermal Energy in Borehole Thermal Energy Storage Systems”. IGSHPA Technical/Research Conference and Expo Denver March 14-16, 2017.
  12. (*)(S) McCartney, J.S. and Başer, T., (2017). “Role of coupled process in thermal energy storage in the vadose zone”. ISSMGE CPEG2 2017, September 6-7, Leeds, UK.
  13. (*)(S) Baser, T., Dong, Y., Lu, N., McCartney, J.S., 2017. “Evaluation of coupled thermal and hydraulic relationships used in simulation of thermally-induced water flow in unsaturated soils”. PanAm Unsat-2017, Dallas, TX
  14. (*)(S) Baser, T., (2017). “Transient heat transfer in vertical ground heat exchangers”. ISSMGE 6IYGEC 2017, September 16-17, Seoul, South Korea.
  15. (*)(S)(P) Baser, T., Hannah, C., McCartney, J.S. (2019). “Performance of a field-scale horizontal geothermal heat storage system” Geocongress 2019, Philadelphia, PA
  16. (*)(W) Hayes, M., Baser, T., Ozdogan-Dolcek, A. (2019). Effect of heat transfer mechanisms on thermal response of horizontal heat exchangers. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference 2019, Pasadena, CA.
  17. (*)(W) Balcay, A. and Baser, T. (2019). Impact of Shear Modulus on Maximum Allowable Pressures in HDD. ISSMGE PanAmerican Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
  18. (**)(P) Baser, T., McCartney, J.S., and Ozdogan-Dolcek, A. (2019). Thermal Energy Storage in Borehole Arrays installed in Unsaturated Soils. ISSMGE PanAmerican Conference, Cancun, Mexico.
  19. (*)(W) Baser. T., Kim, K., Makhnenko, R., and Stumpf, A. (2020). Coupled Thermo-Hydraulic Properties of Glacial Tills in Geothermal Borehole Arrays. GeoCongress 2020, Minneapolis, MN
  20. (*)(W) Reiter, M.B.*, Attalla, M., Kurtz, L.*, and Başer, T., (2020). Changes in shaft resistance and pore water pressure during heating of a geothermal energy foundation, International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, University of California San Diego, USA.
  21. (*)(W) Reiter, M.B and Başer, T., 2020. Thermal response of a helical-loop energy foundation installed in unsaturated residual soil profiles, International Conference on Energy Geotechnics, University of California San Diego, USA.
  22. (*)(W) Fernandez Santoyo, S.*, Tom, J.G., and Baser, T. (2021). Impact of Subsurface Warming on the Capacity of Helical Piles Installed in Permafrost Layers. International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo 2021, Dallas, TX. Accepted
  23. (*)(W) J. Jello*, N. Malkewicz, S. Whittaker, T. Baser (2021). Heat storage characteristics of a sedimentary reservoir for subsurface thermal energy storage systems in Illinois. 55th US Rock Mechanics Geomechanics Symposium 2021, Texas. (In Review)
  24. (*)(W) Roberge, X.J., Abhinav, A., Beauregard, M., and Baser, T. (2021). An Experimental Investigation of Coupled Thermo-Electrical Properties of Icy Porous Media. RCOP and ICCRE Virtual Conference 2021
  25. (*)(W) Jello, J. and Baser, T. (2023). A Fully Coupled Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical Response of an Advanced Geothermal Energy Storage System in a Sedimentary Basin. Geocongress 2023 (Accepted)
  26. (*)(W) Nawaz, K. and Baser, T. Behavior of Helical Piles in Frozen Soils. Geocongress 2023 (Accepted)
  27. (*)(W) Abhinav, A. and Baser, T. An Experimental Investigation of Thermally Induced Hydraulic Hysteresis in Frozen Unsaturated Silts. Geocongress 2023 (Accepted)
  28. (*)(W) Abhinav, A. and Baser, T. Experimental Investigation of Dielectric Constant of Permafrost. International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics 2023, Greece (Accepted)
  29. (*)(W) Boz, A., Sezer, A., and Baser, T. (2023). Numerical Investigation of Soil-Structure Interaction in an Energy Pile Foundation System. International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics 2023, Greece (Accepted)
  30. (*)(W) Abhinav, A. and Baser, T. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Undrained Shear Strength of Frozen Unsaturated Silts. UNSAT2023, Milos Greece. (Accepted)