Meet the Team
Meet the faculty and staff of the Herrmann Center for Innovative Catholic Education.
- Michael Boyle, Ph.D., executive director and faculty
- Angela T. Moret, Ed.D., managing director and Billiken Teacher Corps director
- John T. James, Ed.D., faculty
- Karen L. Tichy, Ed.D., faculty
- Bryan Sokol, Ph.D., Herrmann Center research fellow
View a list of publications authored by faculty of the Herrmann Center for Innovative Catholic Education
- Boyle, M and Huizar, P. (2019) Preparing Leaders of Faith-Based Schools: The Case for Both/And in Reforming Principal Preparation at the State Level: Perspectives on Policy Reform in Illinois (Hunt, E., Haller, A., Hood, L., and Kincaid, M., eds.) New York: Routledge.
- Boyle, M. (2016) Introduction to the Focus Section: Preparing Leaders in Light of the Standards Journal of Catholic Education.
- Boyle, M., Haller, A., and Hunt, E. (2016) The Leadership Challenge: Preparing and Developing Catholic School Principals. Journal of Catholic Education.
- Boyle, M., Sullivan, D. and Peña, J. (2018) A Systems Approach to Developing Leadership Paths for Catholic Schools. A white paper produced by the Andrew M. Greeley Center for Catholic Education.
- James, J.T. (2020). Catholic school educators as adaptive leaders: A structure for prophetic action in response to COVID-19. [Covid-19 Special Issue] Journal of Catholic Education.
- James, J. T. (2016) A collaborative approach to a national leadership Momentum 48(1), 64-65.
- James, J.T. (2009). A research-based approach to the president-principal model: Problems, dynamics, and high-performance through administrative alignment. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice. 12(3), 399-422.
- James, J.T. (2007). What is known from the research on the President-Principal model? NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 40 (4), 15.
- James, J.T. (Ed.). (2024) Governance and leadership: A sourcebook for practitioners. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
- James, J.T. & Vercruysse, R.J. (Eds.) (2005). Development of the president principal model in Catholic high schools. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
- James, J.T. (2005). Issues of Catholic secondary school governance. In Development of the president principal model in Catholic high schools (pp. 43- 55). Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
Educating students with disabilities
- Boyle, M. and Boazman, J. (2024) Unique and Unrepeatable: Teaching All God’s Children. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
- Boyle, M. J. (2020). To Act with Justice and Love Tenderly: Exploring the Church’s Call for Inclusion. Journal of Catholic Education, 23 (2).
- Philippe, D., Hernandez-Melis, C., Fenning, P., Sears, K, Wesley, E., Lawrence, E., Boyle, M. (2017) A Content Analysis of Catholic School Written Discipline Policies. Journal of Catholic Education. DOI:10.15365/joce.2101022017
- Boyle, M. J. (2017). Supporting students with disabilities in Catholic elementary and secondary schools: A Catholic higher education perspective. Update, 43(3), 14-15.
- Boyle, M. and Hernandez, C. (2016) Investigating the Attitudes of Catholic School Principals towards the Inclusion of Students with Disabilities. Journal of Catholic Education.
- Boyle, M. (2017) Ensuring a Place at the Table: Serving Students with Disabilities in Catholic Schools. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
- Boyle, M. and Bernards, P. (2017) Special Education in Catholic Schools: The Results of the National Benchmarking Survey 2017. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
- Boyle, M (2010) Response to intervention: A blueprint for Catholic schools. Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association.
- Boyle, M. and Bernards, P. (2017) One Spirit, One Body: An Agenda for Serving Students with Disabilities in Catholic Schools. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association.
- Boyle, M. (April 2016) All are Welcome: Building the Capacity of Catholic Schools to meet the needs of Students with Disabilities. Momentum.
- Scanlan, Martin and Tichy, Karen. (2014). How Do Private Sector Schools Serve the Public Good by Fostering Inclusive Service Delivery Models, Theory into Practice, 53 (2), 149-157.
Teacher education and preparation
- Boyle, M. (2012) LES is More: Developing and Delivering Effective Professional Development to Faculty and Staff in Scholarly Essays on Catholic School Leadership (Robey, P. ed.) Washington, DC: National Catholic Education Association.
- Moret, A. T., & O'Dwyer, R. R. (2020). A Spiritual Vision for Catholic Educator Prep in a Time of Disruption: A Reflective Essay. Journal of Catholic Education.
- Tichy, Karen L. (1999). Perceptions of Faculty Members in Selected Catholic High Schools Regarding North Central Association School Improvement Models. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 2(3), 295-311
Creating a sense of belonging
- Boyle, M. and Morten, S. (2020) A Light unto My Path: A Model of Accompaniment for Fostering Mental Wellness. Arlington, VA: National Catholic Education Association
- Moret, A. & Sasser, H. (2024, Spring). A Seat at the Table. Momentum, 18-19.
- James, J.T. (2021, October 18). A child should not be ‘the mere creature of the state’. Wall Street Journal
- James, J.T. (2009). Research on bullying and “peer ecology”. NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 42(3), 15.
Operational vitality
- James, John T., Tichy, Karen L., et al. (2008). Developing a Predictive Metric to Assess School Viability. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 11(1), 465-484.
- James, J.T. (2021). Operational vitality provides an opportunity to engage a wider circle of people in the work of Catholic education. Momentum, Fall, 50-52
- James, J.T. (2004). Public relations in Catholic secondary schools: Nearly 40 years of continuous improvement. Journal of School Public Relations, 25(1), 33-46.
- James, J.T. (2015) Are we as smart as hotels that sell discounted rooms?. Momentum 46(1), 28-29.
- James, J. T. (2007). Changes in funding and governance of Catholic elementary education in the United States. The British Journal of Religious Education, 29(3), 287-301
- James, J.T. (2006). What is the latest research on the viability of parish grade schools? NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 40(2), 15.
- James, J.T. (2004). Collective bargaining in Catholic schools: What does governance have to do with it? Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 8(2), 208-233.
- James, J.T. (2021). Operational vitality: A sourcebook for practitioners (standard 10).Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
Catholic education
- Boyle, M.; Donahue, G., Faber, Jones, F, Ray-Timoney, J., Tesche, B., and Uhl, T. "COVID Witness to Hope: Catholic Schools Respond to COVID-19" (2020). Feature Issue COVID-19 and Catholic Schools, Journal of Catholic Education.
- Boyle, M. and Dosen, A. (2017). Preparing Seminarians to Work with Catholic Schools: A Content Analysis of the Curriculum. Journal of Catholic Education.
- Tichy, Karen L., (2004), 13 articles in Catholic Schools in the United States: An Encyclopedia, edited by Hunt, Thomas C., Joseph, Ellis A., and Nuzzi, Ronald J., Greenwood Press (Westport, CT).
- Tichy, Karen L. (1997). The Role of Research in Catholic Education. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 1(1), 5-7.
- Tichy, Karen L. (1996). Three Self-Study Formats: Faculty Members’ Perceptions. NCA Quarterly, 70(3), 418-421.
- James, J.T. (2021, February 11). The serious work for Catholic schools begins now. NCEATalk.
- James, J.T. (2021). PK-12 and Catholic higher education are inexorably linked! Momentum, Winter, 14-17
- James, J.T. & Rush, D. (2020) A reflection on the duality of control of Catholic higher education in the United States fifty years after the Land O’ Lakes statement. Journal of Catholic Higher Education, v38 (2).
- James, J.T. (2020) Montana provides the Supreme Court another chance to strike out Blaine Amendments. America Jan 27, 2020.
- James, J.T. (2019) An historical review of the professional and distinctive formation for Catholic school educators in the United States. International Studies in Catholic Education DOI: 10.1080/19422539.2019.1691823
- James, J.T. (2011). The child is not a mere creature of the state. Missouri Catholic Conference: Good News 29(8), 1-2.
- James, J.T. (2008). Catholic school’s impact on students’ Catholicism. NCEA NOTES: A newsletter for Catholic schools [Research column], 41(3), 15.
- James, J.T. (2007). How much does a private school student count? A critical analysis of the athletic multiplier. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 10 (4), 409-432
- James, J.T. (2005). Ignatian Pedagogy and Technology: The Possibilities and Limitations. CTE Notebook. 8(1) 5-6.
- James, J.T. (2004). Notes from the guest editor. Journal of School Public Relations, 25(1), 5-7.
- James, J.T. (2003). Saint Louis: Gateway to the west for Catholic education. Momentum 34(2), 12-16.
- James, J.T. (2003). School board meetings and spiritual growth can go together. Momentum 34(1), 53-55.
- James, J.T. (Ed.). (2024) Catholic school identity and mission: A sourcebook for practitioners. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
- James, J.T. (Ed.). (2024) Faith formation for the Catholic school community: A sourcebook for practitioners. Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
- James, J.T. (2013). Planning for growth and retrenchment: Catholic education in Saint Louis. In T. Hunt & T.,Walch (Eds.). Urban Catholic education: The best of times, the worst of times. (pp. 104-125) New York: Lang Publishing
- James, J.T. (2010). Gateway City Catholicism. In T. Hunt & Walch, T. (Eds.). Urban Catholic education: Tales of twelve American cities. (pp.147-170). Notre Dame, IN: Alliance for Catholic Education Publishing
- James, J.T. (2005). Artistic leadership: personnel matters and the administrative team. In Development of the president principal model in Catholic high schools (pp. 81- 93). Washington DC: National Catholic Educational Association
- James, J.T. (2004). Administrative models. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 20-22). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Darcy-Berube, Francoise. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 210-211). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Gospel values. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 323-325). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Holy Office, The Congregation of. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 347-349). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Jurisdiction. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 390-391). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Non-Catholic administrators. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 481-483). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Pastors. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 505-506). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). Religion (of Catholic school students and teachers). In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 548-550). Westport, CT: Greenwood press
- James, J.T. (2004). School uniforms. In Hunt, T.C., Ellis, A.J., & Nuzzi, R.J. (Eds.), Catholic schools in the United States: An encyclopedia (pp. 582-584). Westport, CT: Greenwood press